Snack Drawer

During office days last year Christy and I tended to be bored and just snack all the time. So I decided to instill the rules of “Snack Calls.” We were only allowed to have a snack at 10:30 and 2:30 and then each of us had one snack call to use anytime during the day. Over the year some rules have been amended but now our supply has turned into a full on snack drawer. Christy’s desk is home to the drink drawer – no rules on that one.

One of the most difficult times for a Japanese student might be their high school entrance exams, they seem to be similar to the college ones in the states (yet different in many ways – wont go into it). But those occurred last week, this week are many round two of those tests and Junior High School graduations. In Japan the new school year starts in April. So due to this, many of us do not have school visits this week. Which means a day in the office. Which include, studying, reading, talking, eating and now that gmail is blocked being angry with the fact gmail is blocked. But about two weeks ago I was at one of my regular schools and the 1st grade teacher (7th) asked me if I could write the students back (they were learning how to write letters). She handed me a bright pink handmade large envelope with a stack of letters inside. So I thought, great office project (since they were due a month later when I visited the school again).

All the students had written a short letter and drew a picture. I decided this would be fun so I did not want to finish it too quickly during my week where I had seven days to kill. So yesterday I created a template for my response letters. I counted I had 68 to write back to. While I was out making 34 copies of my template (two on a page) an envelop was placed on my desk. I came back to find 16 more letters and then 4 stacks of (probably 20-30 each) envelopes.. The other 1st grade teacher was sending me her classes… well, no more worry for finishing these babies too quickly! hahaha

Stacks of Letters

Well now I have more things to do!

By the way, went to Kantaro for Crave’s birthday dinner last night, ate 5 plates of sushi, sushi blog will be updated after work today! So check it out!!